Update On Encroachment
Agreement Meeting

Town Hall - June 11, 2007

Dear Friends, Members, Supporters:

Tonight seems to have been a breakthrough for Shorewalk and more importantly for the public. Councillor Steckley proposed an amendment to the Staff’s current “deal the land away” proposal. The Steckley motion directed staff to alter their current proposal to reflect the following: “All fences and other soft encroachments to be moved back to private property - permanent survey markers to mark public and private land - no encroachment agreements except for buildings and shoreline protection when considered by council”

The motion tied at 3-3 with councilors Steckley, Lockwood and Whitfield in favour and councillors Annunziata, Shular and Mayor Martin opposed. The motion passed with the yes vote of the chair Ms. Noyes.

If all goes according to this motion there will be no agreements on fence encroachments; fences will be moved back to private property and permanent survey markers will be installed. A great victory for Shorewalk, the Fort Erie Public and common sense!!! Three cheers for councillors steckley, whitfield, lockwood and noyes.

Even for those opposed there seems to be substantial support for our “no agreements” so we will now wait it out and see how Staff deals with this council direction. We should know by Monday, June 18.

Many thanks for another great turnout of supporters. Why not email me at skerrett@vaxxine so we can have a complete list of all who attended in support of public waterfront rights.

Special thanks to Betty Vanosch and Shirley Grace for tremendous work on this project.

Regards, Garry for shorewalk



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