
July 2006 - Feb. 2007 Garry Skerrett, President

1. First and foremost, many thanks to the generous support in countless ways of so many active members who make up our advisory council.

Thanks to:

Rita Aguis
Dan Andrews
Dr. Mike Atkinson
Dr. Derek Beahm
Dr. Martha Skerrett
Megan & Sam Sunners
Richard & Irene Birley
Judy & William Anderson
Karen Belanger
Brenda Kerr
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bernard
Alice Burger
Elaine & Bob Burger
Dan Candella
Reverend Ken Cardwell
Richard & Nora Chaloner
Bob & Connie Charron
Shari Clark
Joanne Climenhaga
Bill & Helene Collard
Blain & Dianne Cole
Colin Cook
Arnold & Sharon Cooper
Bill & Rollie Cross
Audrey Daisley
Dirk & Maggie Deinum
Robyn Atkins Diloia
Dave & Cathy Diplock
Rob Eberley
Susan Craig & Carly English
Ed Fiander
Robert & Audrey Fletcher
Peggy Fraser
Jack & Charity Garbutt
John & Martha Gardiner
Shirley Grace
Dr. Harvey Grenn
Ray and Marie Haggerty

Tim Haggerty
Susan Haswell
Scott, Suzie
& Spencer Hepburn
Barry & Shirley Herbert
Cathy Herbert
Harry & Vera Herbert
Dennis & Pat Heuser
Mark, Laura, Thomas
& Molly Hopley
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Howell
Paul & Peggy Kassay
Amy King
John & Elinor King
Audrey & Bob Klein
Darren, Marlene, Justin,
Daniel and Mathew Krieger

Peggy Krieger
Colin & Margaret Krueger,
Eleanor Lake
Gerald Lamb & Anne McAllister
Terry, Paula & Tara Lamorie
Kim Lamorie
Bill & Krista Rae Foote
Ron & Shirley Lampman
Chris Laroque
Tom Lewis
Helen Lee & Len Lewis
Peter & Cherie Logan
Fred & Jenna Louws
Anne Krieger & Mike Matheson
Midge (Carl) & Daisy Midgley
Ryan Munroe & Lisa Chiolfi
Pat & Dora Macdonald
Mary McLell & Papp
Kerry Lamorie & Harry Jordan
& Jamie Pokrywa
Jack O’Brien
Earl & Elaine Plato
Kassandra Ryerson
Colin Cook
Natasha Tripp
Josh Dayboll
Gerry & Sophie Shaubel
Ada Sherk
Lydia Schmoll
Winston & Gisela Sims
Margareta Skerrett
Chris Freiburger & Lara Skerrett
Brian & Mary Skerrett
Adam Ciolfi & Rachel Skerrett
Neal & Elaine Skerrett
Doug & Lori Smith
Nick & Danny Strugar
Winnie Swalm
Chris Tatarnuk & Sandy Crites
Doug & Nancy Taylor
Lisa Susin & John Toulman
Fred Truckenbrodt
Janet Truckenbrodt
Martin & Nicole Unman
Betty Van Osch
Bradley Ware
Fred & Ling Wallington
Jim Westhouse
Laurie White
Tara White
Leigh Whyte
Shannon Williams
Ray & Shirley Willwerth
Melba Skerrett-Haight-Wrightman
Millie Zubovitch

(Please contact us for corrections/omissions)

2. We have increased our membership from 360 in July 2006 to 670 with good prospects for continued growth. Kudos to Betty Van Osch, our membership chair. She has worked diligently to update our records and improve our ability to communicate with our expanding membership.

3. The encroachment issue remains unresolved. In July/06 the Town proposed to offer agreements on 9 of 10 encroachments encountered on recently completed surveys. These “encroachments”most often consist of fences built illegally into public Waterfront Road Allowances by neighbouring lakefront property owners. We contend that all such “soft” encroachments should be ordered removed, quite the opposite of the Town’s position back in July 2006.

Our political action committee, under the leadership of Shirley Grace, secured strong support from the candidates for Fort Erie council. We await recommendations from Staff which will follow after consultations with the Bar Association and Shorewalk.

We will urge Mayor Martin and councilors Lockwood, Annunziata, Shular, Whitfield, Noyes and Steckley to only approve a report which calls for removal of fence encroachments by neighbouring property owners.

4. The Town’s committed waterfront improvements lag far behind their targets formed a year ago. Several properties were slated for improvements but none were. We hope 2007 will be a catch up year. The money has been earmarked and we are ever hopeful that “this will be the year of the waterfront”. In fairness, we must commend the Town for completion of surveys on Stonemill/Thunder Bay, Bertie Bay, Windmill Pt. and Centalia Ave. As well they have welcome signs completed and awaiting installation. Most importantly we have been assured that budgeted funding unused in 2006 will be carried over into the 2007 budget year.

5. Thunder Bay Drain: We continue to support improved drainage for Thunder Bay residents but must oppose the Town’s proposed primary solution: namely channeling the storm water over the Thunder Bay Beach. The severe threat to both the surface of the beach and to the health of the beach-going public calls for other alternatives to be acted on first.

6. We had a successful end of summer waterfront cleanup in September that targeted several waterfront road allowances along with Waterfront Park in Crystal Beach. Thanks to Winnie Swalm and the Friends of Crystal Beach, Kathy Green-Redekop and Ridgeway Crystal Beach High School, Fred Louws and Fort Erie Secondary School, Town of Fort Erie Staff, several council candidates and many other Shorewalk members.

7. The Bertie Boat Club and Tony Breton hosted several more Shorewalk meetings. Many thanks for continued support.

8. A fundraising committee under the leadership of John King, Stephen Passero and Susan Haswell was recently formed and is hard at work. Thanks for a prompt and extensive report with exciting prospects for 2007.

9. In January we had our first meeting at Sherkston Community Centre thanks to hosts Jerry and Sophie Shaubel with support from Cathy Diplock. We soon will be able to confirm the date and place for future meetings which will be monthly thru the winter. Stay posted.

10. MPP Kim Craitor will present a private member’s bill in March at the Ontario Legislature on our behalf. It will propose legislated Right of Passage (walking rights) along all of our Great Lakes Shoreline. When we obtain the bill’s number and final wording we will make every effort to spread the word across the province-a huge undertaking but well worth the effort when success would bring ACCESS FOR ALL to our Great Lakes shorelines.

Support Shorewalk’s efforts to promote this important public interest bill. Contact your MPP and let him or her know how important it is for all members of Ontario’s legislature to vote their support. Contact Information

11. Chris Larocque and Chris Freiburger (our webmaster) are working on a plan that calls for lakeshore photos to be submitted for online posting and eventual production of a 2008 calendar. This was one of the fundraisers proposed by our new fundraising committee. Look first for a photo gallery on our website - COMING SOON.

12. Earl Plato is one of our earliest supporters active supporters. We noted in the Niagara Falls Review a short time ago a well deserved tribute to his wide ranging interests and accomplishments. He has retired from his nature column in the Review but continues to be active in multiple pursuits while always putting family first. Thanks Earl and keep on writing!

ERRORS OR OMISSIONS? Contact me at 905 658 1505 or [email protected]



No Rest at Ridgeway Fest / Stephen Passero to Lead Shorewalk

Enchroachments Must Go!! FE Council Passes By-Law...
June 2007

Winter Update
January 2007

Fall Update
November 2006

Summer Update
July 2006

Spring Update
April 2006

End of Year Report
Dec. 2005
